August 22nd of 2005 was a very special year for us. A little baby entered our home that day and had us wrapped around his tiny self within moments. He was scared as he tried to familiarise himself with his new surroundings. All of 2.5 months, he kept scampering around! On his first night at home, he took to me for some reason and followed me around. He even slept with me that night. I had never been with a being so tiny before and I was scared too. Just as he was. He had large eyes, the colour of molten chocolate. I remember my younger brother and I being up for most of the night, trying to find a suitable name for our joy (Yes! It was love at first sight for us!!). We finally named him “Mojo”. It means “good luck charm” in the Chinese language, or so Google claims!
He was that and a lot more. We lost him two days back. Nothing could have prepared us for this pain. All these years, he had played various roles in our family.
From the day he came home, right until the night he left us, he was hand fed by Mummy. We always referred to Mojo as our sibling. He is the youngest child of my parents. And an awesome one at that!!! I remember Papa being apprehensive about us having Mojo. The apprehension lasted less than 12 hours! We were all under his spell and how!!! He lived with us for 10 years- A Decade of awesomeness!!! Every birthday of his was celebrated with his favourite dishes and loads of gifts. He loved chocolates, junk food, pastas and only ever ate boneless meat. Every moment lived with him has been indescribable.
My parents were not keen on us having a pet. Yes, that’s what we thought initially. A pet. But then one day, my elder brother simply got him home and it has been the best thing he has done for us!!!
Mojo, my younger brother and I fought a lot. For chocolates, for ice cream, for chicken… the last slice of pizza… playing ball when we were dead beat!!! He would always start with a request and then resort to angry barking in no time. He was always at the door to meet us when we returned home. He was my snuggle pillow as I was his. Everything was about Mojo and his preferences. While he cuddled up happily with my brothers and me, he always slept at the foot of the bed with my parents. On the bed, but near their feet. While he licked my face all over, he licked their feet or palms. I’m sure he took my younger brother and me to be Labradors too!
When I was pregnant, he kept me company all the time. When we cried, he licked away our tears. He was the first one to welcome my new-born inside our home. Even before my parents. Only after a full-hearted lick on my son’s face at the door, did we enter home with him. From the day we got back, Mojo slept with my son on the same bed. Guarding him at all times like a precious treasure and making sure to call me at the slightest whimper of the baby. His hair on the bed and on my new-born were the fun part. Not the part that bothered any of us.
He taught us so much! But the most important was his capacity to love us more and more and more with every passing day. We all had lives outside home. For Mojo, his world was us. Us and food and toys. In that order.
He would force Papa to take him for a drive around the city. Papa, though tired after a long day at work, could never say a no to his youngest child. Even if accidentally a piece of bone entered his bowl, he’d give us a question look which said, “Hey!!! You think I’m a dog???” He loved cheese too… Oh how he loved cheese!!!
He always obeyed us when we asked to sneak away from Mummy and come to us for treats. He played hide and seek well. It was playtime whenever he was in the mood. Anytime he threw a ball at our feet, we would have to play or heavens save us!!! He loved being cuddled and kissed. He used to put his head before me all the time to be kissed or to get his ears scratched or to get his tummy rubbed. We love him and how!!! Not loved. Love. It will never change.
My parents cried every time he fell ill. They have been as unconditional in their love towards him as he has been towards all of us. He was suffering from the last week and on 5th October, 2015, he breathed his last. He went away peacefully with his parents in his eyes and their hand on his head. I know he had a happy life. I wish he were here forever. I want to believe that he’ll watch over us. My friends used to tease me saying that I’d be happiest if I could have a Labrador puppy instead of a human child. Everyone knew we loved him beyond crazy. But that’s unimportant. What is important is the fact that he knew just how deeply we loved him and will continue to do so. Yes, we spoiled him rotten. He deserved all the pampering he got and more. He turned 10 on 18th June 2015. So it really was a decade of unconditional love and bliss!!! He has always been and will continue to be my favourite brother. Maybe he’ll watch over us or maybe he’s fed up of us! We never wanted him to go. Irrational, but true. He knew he was over and above all else for all of us. I could fight with anyone for him as could anyone at home. And he knew it. That knowledge keeps me peaceful.
People who have dogs, you are so blessed. Treat these beings as a blessing. People who don’t, you haven’t experienced true love unless you’ve been loved by a dog. Change your life and bring home one pronto!!!
As for Mojo, he is rightfully an angel. We always called him our angel and now, he truly is one!!!