The word “strength” in the dictionary is defined as “the ability to do things that require a lot of mental, or physical, effort.”
Very simple to understand, if you ask me.
There is strength in moving on. Like there is in staying put.
There is strength in being vocal. Like there is in being silent.
There is strength in giving up. Like there is in pursuing with more intent (Goals. Not people :D)
There is strength in crying. Like there is in hiding the tears.
There is strength in being a rebel. Like there is in following norms.
There is strength in starting afresh. Like there is in sticking to routine.
Why do you compare your strength to mine?
Like your strength stems from your belief system, my strength stems from mine.
Like you believe that your way is the most apt way of dealing with life, I believe the same of mine.
My strength helps me face the world in the same way your strength does for you.
Our strengths may not be friends, but that does not mean they are not relevant.
My peace lies in the knowledge that if life throws unexpectedness your way, your strength will shield you and help you deal.
Let your peace lie in the same knowledge for me.
Don’t tell me how to be strong.
I know no other way of existing other than relying on my strengths.